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Devil's Details: Z Is For Zombie Book 4 Page 14
Devil's Details: Z Is For Zombie Book 4 Read online
Page 14
“I don’t want to be around them, zombie rights and shit, indeed,” Julia said. “Call me a what? Racist? I don’t care; my, God, what if I accidentally have sex with one? Jesus.”
“I realize there are concerns of that nature, and we could have mixed situations….” Diamond looked flustered. “But think about it; they can save this world; fight for it.”
“Why do they want to?” Johnny asked.
“Well, if I were Hendricks, I’d say, ‘You got into this; you deal with it; why should I bother to fight? You said they can die and get eaten up by zombies, so why would they want to fight?’
“They do. They retain the basics and find zombies reprehensible,” Colonel Davis added.
Len sighed, “I doubt you are here to get permission or our acceptance. This is done, I think. You are here to tell us that. We may not agree, but you did what you thought best.” He wanted to be angry and to hate Diamond, but the man was clearly acting, as he thought best, not as a mad scientist. It was an insane idea, and yet, the man did it as a last ditch effort.
“Yes, the Angels are out there, and more volunteer every day because…see…they can do the same job and be themselves, but they don’t fear infection now. If any of your people wanted to volunteer…well….”
“We are fair; I can assure you information will be shared, and if anyone wanted to, we wouldn’t sway him. This is a fair society. It is a society for humans, not half humans, and we won’t accept them,” George said.
“I agree,” Len said. His people muttered agreement.
George went on, “I find it disgusting. I understand why you have done this, but I don’t like it. I don’t have anything better to suggest however….”
“I want you to know we will support you here and that we feel that the Angels will inherit the world; in time, it will become like a vaccine. If you find one eating raw meat, don’t kill it; it’s on our side,” Davis said. “That’s what we are asking from you, please just give them a chance to do their jobs. Be open, even a little to the idea of this as a vaccine.”
“There is another interesting point,” Diamond said, “Did you know zombies reproduce?”
“What?” Alex gagged. “There is no way; they are...some are dead….”
“Dead ones don’t, but the Red Zeds, they do. Little zeds hungry for flesh; it’s quiet nasty, if you ask me.” He almost looked a little tearful, and despite anger at him and at science, it was easy to spare him some sympathy at having been put in a place to do something and having almost no choices.
“Doctor, I may be way off, but I am curious as to how you related this to the Bible. Angels. Some of the angels grew jealous of mankind and revolted. They were cast out and serve in hell; they are what we call demons. So, is there a balance? Are there demons if we have angels?” Beth asked. Her mind was whirling ahead, and her pity for the doctor was challenged by ideas that plagued her.
“Beth, you are no less than a brilliant woman. You would make a very good scientist,” Diamond said. “We administered the balm to a man who was very violent; it was against his will, of course. He was a pedophile and quite brutal, and he was impervious to pain, unable to become infected, quiet, distant emotionally, but he attacked Angels and humans alike. We called him a demon.”
“My, God,” Beth whispered.
“I appreciate your candor and honesty,” George said, “understand that despite understanding, I find you monstrous.”
“Well. That’s not really fair.”
“So they can breed and take over, theoretically?”
“They could though they won’t be allowed to,” Diamond shrugged. “Our goal, our objective in this meeting, is to explain what is happening. You are aware of Angels and demons, and you do not know why we intend to wipe out the RA.”
Mark leaned forward. “The RA? What are you saying? Are they things you created?”
“As I said, we began this vaccine early in the infection. We offered it to people, and then we found most were very positive and went on to fight the zombies and did fine. With lack of pain receptors and a lot of hatred for them, plus the fact that a bite doesn’t affect them, it went well.”
“Did they know,” Beth asked, “that they would be things?”
“They knew. They knew we had no hope, and it was most likely they would be bitten, infected, and become a drooling creature. It was their choice. You now know we have someone...a team fighting for us. And like it or not, we hope you will support this. We feel that instead of humans vanishing in two years, we will have a battle going for a long time and that we have a chance of winning, and the world be inherited by a hybrid.”
“We hope it doesn’t happen and that we humans will inherit the world and win,” George said.
Mark was shaking. “Back to my questions. The other ones…you call demons…they are part of the RA? The same bastards that tortured me?”
“Yes, some didn’t react positively to the vaccine, and there you have it. You now understand their cannibalistic activities.”
Len calmly reached down and grabbed Mark’s arm as he raised his sidearm to kill the doctor. Under the table, he squeezed Mark’s arm. “Do you need a break, Mark?” Conner hated to miss the rest, but he slid over and gently steered Mark to the door and outside. Johnny followed, feeling she might be needed.
“Dr. Diamond, why were you unable to find a cure? You managed an amazing thing but why not a cure?” Len asked.
“I failed. I don’t know why, but I couldn’t find one. I still look for it.”
Colonel Davis cut in, “About the RA….”
“We dreamed about them…the one-eyed child and their gathering; they have been our worst fear. You made them?”
“No. Some had the vaccine…only some.”
“I feel sick,” Julia said.
“Have you considered this: what if the entire army comes after you? I mean the one that you have nightmares about?”
“What?” George asked, perplexed. “ We expect they will.”
“What if the RA comes at you as demons? What then? What are your chances?”
George stared at the Colonel Davis. “Well, it seems we have more to think about than we imagined.”
Beth took a deep breath. “I am about to be more candid than George and Len, who hold back their thoughts most admirably. I promise, though that I will be less rude than my friend, Julia, would be. I don’t care who started this infection. That concern is the past.
I am, however, appalled and disgusted that you, Dr. Diamond, have appointed yourself the world’s savior. Colonel, you are not the world’s armed force, either. Screwing around with genetics and prions and whatever else you altered is very selfish and irresponsible. You appointed yourself, and I take offense.”
Juan rubbed her shoulder. “Don’t get upset, Beth.”
“I’m calm. I am just offended. You are slapping us in the face with this. For every one of my friends who died fighting against those things, you have made a mockery of those deaths. We have faced this as humans with passion and caring, and we have not joined forces with the very abominations that destroyed this world. I hate those things.
They are a perversion of life, and let me tell you this, Doctor, whenever I run into one of your so-called Angels that, by the way, I find highly offensive as well, you’re calling them that. I will slaughter the son of a bitch without a second thought.
A heavy silence followed.
“You would be a great avenging Angel, Beth,” Diamond said.
It was to Juan’s credit that he moved so fast. The doctor slammed backwards in his chair as the soldiers moved in front of him to protect him as Beth launched sideways across the table at him. Juan, Julia, and Alex managed to get her subdued and out of the room while George and Len made half-hearted apologies for her.
“Damn, Beth, you get more like me as I mellow out,” Julia said.
“I’m freakin’ pregnant,” Beth blurted, “it makes me feel moody and mean.”
“Right, just keep using that excuse. I just say I’m mean and mouthy ‘cause I’m a total bitch, whatever works for you, Hon.” Julia laughed. She, Juan, and Alex walked with her. If they let her go, they feared she would get to the doctor and kill him.
Unless someone else did first.
“Because it’s October, and I love October,” Len said.
“And the weather is better. Mom says we’ll have some more hot days, but the swimming is done for the year probably,” Hannah said as she walked with him. “She said we can trick or treat, but no zombie costumes are allowed.”
“She’s a smart lady.”
“I don’t think anyone would want to be a zombie, anyway.”
“So we’re celebrating just because you like October?” Hannah asked. “That’s weird.”
“Do you realize we’ve made it a half a year?”
“Ahhh. It’s a nod to the fact we have all made it this long. It’s hard to believe it’s been so long. What else?”
Len squinted in the fading sunlight. “Hannah, are you spying for someone?”
“Me? Spying?” she sniffled. “I’m hurt that you’d think that, Uncle Len.”
“You can have my dessert….”
“Okay, Alex sent me, but Mom and Aunt Julia already asked me to see what I could find out. Alex paid the best: that’s another dessert for the night.”
“What intel did you get out of me?” he asked.
“Nothing. So, give me something, please? If I come back with nothing, Alex will torture me and make me question someone else for some intel. Give me a break, huh?”
“Beth will be double mad at me, Misty will be mad, Johnny will be happy, and the rest will all be okay with things. Beth will probably be mad at Juan, too, but he isn’t to blame; I did this all myself. I’ll throw myself to Beth and Misty’s mercy and then share information with everyone. Pan will gloat tonight. How is that?”
“Not bad. That’ll keep them busy, trying to guess what’s up. I know something too, but I can’t tell you since you already gave me your dessert; you’re out of bargaining chips.”
Len thought she was crafty. “Will I be mad or glad?”
“Depends. If you participate, you might be really happy.”
“Desserts for the week; lay it on me.”
Hannah gave in happily as they walked. From the other way, Alex passed them by, looking innocently and waving; he gave Hannah a wink.
Julia walked with Beth to the dining hall, pretending not to see Hannah with Len. They wanted information.
As soon as they got inside, Hannah ran off to join Alex, Julia, and Beth but lost half her desserts for the week to Len. She smiled as she joined them.
When they finished the blackberry cobbler and apple pie that Hannah handed over to Len with a scowl and a wink, Len got everyone settled and ready to listen.
“I want to thank those who cook; you are the best, and you keep us going.” He let them take bows and receive their applause. “Thank you all who joined security and trained. I am happy to let everyone know that thanks to these people, we will now have gate crews and teams both night and day. Thanks to some of the guys, we have an old printing press going, and I am able to share with you the first copies. Misty, will you start handing out the papers?”
There was a buzz of conversation around the room as the papers were handed out; most shared as they had only made fifty copies. Len tried to ignore Beth as she began a tirade at her table, shooting him dirty looks and glaring at Juan who ducked his head with a grin. Hannah giggled.
“I have reinstated the old Charlie team, so Pak and John are back with them, and Miss Beth, as you know is going to have a baby.” He let everyone applaud again as she stared at him red-faced. “George and I will pull both Beth and Misty for administration around camp. Juan will take Charlie team.”
Misty fumed.
“As you will notice, Johnny will now be Major of the Alpha team.”
Johnny sighed. This was probably her proudest moment. She had risen from a truck stop waitress, slinging plates and getting bawdy comments, to being someone Len trusted to lead a team that was responsible for lives. Hard work and grit did get people to the top; her hard work paid off, and this was her moment to glow. She wouldn’t let Len down, and like Julia did at every turn, she would do her best.
“I want to publicly acknowledge Matt for his valor in the recent mission. Those teams faced incredible odds, and Mark, Julia, and the rest showed extreme fearlessness in getting their people back to camp. Matt, you did an amazing job, and when a team comes available, you may be the youngest Major yet.”
“He needs a merit badge,” Alex called out, making them all laugh.
Matt blushed as many stood to applaud.
“By the way after dinner, Doc requests that you return to medical as he has not released you,” Len said. Everyone laughed again.
George stood. “Now, I want to share something with all of you. Beth is one of our most visible and vocal officers.” He let the laughing start and stop again as she blushed this time. “But, no matter what, if you have her watching your back, you know you’re safe. Beth always watches and knows the score; now I won’t say she’s nosy….” Laughter again. “But Beth keeps up with what is going on. It was the most difficult thing to do today to keep her occupied so she didn’t catch wind of anything at the gate. Thank you, Juan, Julia, and Hannah for your help.”
Beth looked puzzled. Julia just smiled back.
“We had a few new people join us today, and as soon as Conner and Len figured out who they were, we went into action to keep our favorite bloodhound off the scent. As happy as Beth is about to be, I know everyone of you will be excited about this.”
Juan took Beth’s hand and led her forward. “In case you faint,” he whispered.
“I’m not speaking to you. You got my team, and you got Pak and John,” she whispered back, squeezing his hand, “even if I do love you.”
“Beth, ” George said, “my surprise for you is your brother; Steve came in today.”
Tall and dark haired and with an infectious grin, Steve came out of the kitchen and held his hands wide open. Crying, Beth flung herself at him so hard that they both almost fell over.
“This is our newest doctor,” George told everyone. Cheers went up with that news. Even with help, Doc was often overworked since all concerns about sanitation in the hospital, ideas about the infection and medical aid, and even a simple sniffle were referred to him.
Beth came over and planted a kiss right on George’s mouth, then turned and did the same to Len. “Thank you.”
“Now, ladies and gentlemen, that’s how an old geezer like me gets a kiss,” George said.
“I want in on that!” Benny shouted.
There was laughter and more good-natured cat calling. Steve followed Beth back to the table to sit. He had met Juan and Julia, but not Hannah, Jet, and Katie who embraced him as a blood relative immediately. Beth shrugged, “My kids, Steve. And I guess you know I have one in the oven; I finally get to see you, and I have three children already.” She couldn’t stop smiling.
“We adopted her,” Jet said, “we love Mom, Uncle Steve.”
“Uncle Steve?” he chuckled, “I have a lot to get used to.”
I have been told that Jilly Montaine will be singing here tonight if we can get some more space, and tonight is a celebration of six months that we have beaten back this thing. Jilly will be singing love songs, and I am told it’s for those who have family, friends, and loves here that they want to share this time with. Make sure you dance since I can’t….” George paused. “And if you wanna declare your fondness for someone, this might be the time because we never know if we’ll have the chance tomorrow.”
They cleared more space and made room for some men with guitars and Jilly to take a place to entertain.
“You forgive me, Beth?” Len asked.
She sat wit
h Katie on her lap, Juan on one side, Steve on her other, and Hannah, Jet, Alex, Kevin, Julia, Matt, and Lance close by. “You gave my team to Juan? I think you’re discriminating because I’m pregnant.”
“Yup. Sue me. Oh, I forgot, the lawyers didn’t end up on the good side, none here. Darn, Beth.”
“You’re so funny, Len, gee whiz.”
Misty and Mark came to join them.
“Why did you pull Misty?” Alex asked, “You need her that much? Jeez, she’s my team mate; I need her.”
“Ummm. Well, it is a discrimination thing. Len doesn’t want anyone pregnant at risk.”
“Preg….” Julia jumped up, and then everyone was hugging Misty and shaking Mark’s hand.
“I didn’t know until I came in with my stupid knee hurting. I should be right with Beth delivering a baby.”
“We can scream together,” Beth quipped then saw Misty’s eyes widen and realized that the young girl hadn’t thought that far yet.
Alex poked Julia and Beth. “Do you see that?”
They turned to look. Len went to sit with Maryanne; her adopted daughter, Toni; and Zane. Big Gabe sat close, as always, guarding Zane. It only made sense that Maryanne, who had hunches and visions, should adopt Zane, whom they had all dreamed of his being at Hopetown. The shock was under the table; Len held Maryanne’s hand.
“No way. Len and M?” Beth asked and breathed hard.
“We thought Len was shagging you, Jules.”
Julia almost fell out of her seat, “Me?”
“You were noted sneaking off with him,” Misty said.
“You’re all very tacky people. I have no idea why I associate with you,” said Julia as she sniffed and then grinned. “We sneak off to smoke…not…shag. Jeez, Alex.”
“He’s courting her,” Hannah reported her information. “He is hoping he has a chance with her, but I think she must like him. I told her he’s a nice looking guy for an old guy.”
“Old?” Juan asked, “We’re all old?”
“To me, you are.”
“I see. Hmmm. Okay, who else is getting chummy?” Alex asked. “And if you call me old, I’ll tickle you ‘til you pee your pants.”